ABOUT MANGAL DOSHA:  There is not too much to worry about Mangaleek Dosha.  It not only gives inauspicious results but gives auspicious results too.  Native has to face so many problems and difficulties in general life and married life. 


                             How Mangleek dosha formed in kundali:

  When Mars is posited in Lagan, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the natal chart then Mars’ dosha formed.  It not only formed from Lagan but also from Chandra Lagan of same houses i.e. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th , 8th and 12th house.  
·       When Mars is posited in Ascendant or Lagan House then it aspects forth, seventh and eighth house. Regarding body parts Lagan belongs to head, neck, hair and skin, 4th house to heart, chest, lungs & upper stomach, 7th house to uterus, bladder, ovaries and urinary organs and 8th house belongs to external genital; then one or the other disease related to these body parts occurred. 
·       Mars in Lagan gives highheadedeness and bad temper.
·       By its 4th aspect on forth house; Mars here disturbed house peace mother’s health also.
·       By its 7th aspect on seventh house, Mars affects married life & partnership.
·       By its 8th aspect on eighth house it gives bad health to partner and not good relations with in-laws.

Secondly when Mars is posited in 2nd house:  then it will affect how and which houses’ significations -

·        From 2nd house Mars will aspects 5th, 8th and 9th house respectively. 
·       Second house is house of wealth and big family, if Mars is not posited well then it will affect this house badly.
·       Fifth house is house of children, education, purva punyas and speculations; if Mars is not posited well and having beneficial aspects then it will affects significations of this house badly.
·       From second house Mars will aspect 8th house with its seventh aspect and 8th house is of longevity, legacies, in-laws and manglaya sthana for ladies.  If Mars is not posited and aspected well then it will affects these significations badly.
·       Ninth house of father, bhagya i.e. fortune and religion; if this house is adversely affected by Mars with no benefic aspect and badly posited by malefic planets then native will have to do lot of efforts for earnings with not much fruitful results.

Thirdly when Mars is posited in forth house :  then Mars will affect badly 4th, 7th, 10th and 11th house. 

·        Forth house is house of mother, conveyance, & property, if Mars is posited in its own house or in friend’s house or having benefic aspect from Jupiter then it will give boost to the significations of this house.  But if Mars if badly posited  or in enemy house or having malefic aspect of Rahu then it will not only spoil above mentioned significations but also disturb house peace.
·       From forth house Mars will aspect 7th house with its forth aspect.  Seventh house is house of spouse, partner, vital power and foreign affairs; if Mars is well posited and well aspected then it will give boost to all these significations and if badly aspected and posited then all the significations of the house will be spoiled.
·       From here Mars will aspect tenth house with its 7th aspect and 10th house if house of profession, reputation and success.  If Mars aspect some benefic planet and any benefic planet in well posited in this most important kendra sthana, then results will be beneficial but opposite to it results will be quite harmful.
·       From 4th house Mars will aspect eleventh house with its 8th aspect and 11th house is house of gains, knowledge, fulfillment of desires and wishes.  If this house belongs to Mars itself and any benefic planet is well posited in this house; then it will give benefic and positive results and if malefic planets are posited here and also aspect by malefic planets this adverse impact will be felt on the significations of this house.


                                   FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT 
                                     JYOTISHA ARADHANA KENDER
                                       CONTACT: 8847076175
