
Showing posts from June, 2020


  MANGLEEKS DOSHA & ITS REMEDIAL MEASURES : ABOUT MANGAL DOSHA :  There is not too much to worry about Mangaleek Dosha.  It not only gives inauspicious results but gives auspicious results too.  Native has to face so many problems and difficulties in general life and married life.                                                      How Mangleek dosha formed in kundali:   When Mars is posited in Lagan, 2 nd , 4 th , 7 th , 8 th  or 12 th  house of the natal chart then Mars’ dosha formed.  It not only formed from Lagan but also from Chandra Lagan of same houses i.e. 1 st , 2 nd , 4 th , 7 th  , 8 th  and 12 th  house.   ·         When Mars is posited in Ascendant or Lagan House then it aspects forth, seventh and eighth house. Regarding body parts Lagan belongs to head, neck, hair and skin, 4 th  house to heart, chest, lungs & upper stomach, 7 th  house to uterus, bladder, ovaries and urinary organs and 8 th  house belongs to external genital; then one or the